Hi. I’m Cassie.

I am a licensed clinical social worker, trainer, coach, consultant, and podcaster. I am also a faculty member at UVM’s Department of Social Work.

I am a fierce advocate for bringing social work skills and a trauma responsive lens into organizational consulting. I am passionate about addressing workplace trauma and supporting organizations to redefine their relationship with workplace stress.

When we witness the suffering of others it changes us, our relationships, our organizations, and even our communities.

Roughly ten years into my social work career I found myself feeling a strong desire to pull back. I was exhausted and couldn’t face one more home visit, one more voicemail, one more meeting. I now know I was experiencing secondary trauma and burnout; but at the time all I could think was ‘I don’t want to do this!’ and ‘What kind of person chooses to do this as a job?’ So I left. Well, I left that job. And the job after that one too. I tried firm boundaries. I faithfully exercised and chased work/life balance but despite my best efforts, I couldn’t find this elusive self-care that was supposed to protect me. I watched my colleagues leave too. They cited burnout, exhaustion, trauma. I began to wonder -

what are we doing wrong?

Thankfully, I found my way to workforce development and organizational work through a collective care approach. Through this work I have had the honor of working with teams and leaders who go beyond the notions of self care & employee wellness and address workplace stress & trauma at the organizational level to grow a healthier culture for their employees.

The Social Work Lens

Season 2- Episode 1: Trauma Stewardship

Listen to Cassie chat with Laura van Dernoot Lipsky about Trauma Exposure Response & Trauma Stewardship on this episode of Welcome to the Field.